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Revenue Management

Historical, Actual & BoB by reference to previous years and budget with a variety of dynamic dimensions and filters that generates, calculates and provides KPI’s, Revenues, Market Segmentation, Business & Nationalities Mix presented on Dashboards, Graphs and Tables by Stay, Arrival, Departure and Reservation Dates and segregated by Market Segment, Room Type, Rate Code, Company/Travel Agency, Country… for a Day, a week, a Month, a Month-to-Date, a Quarter, a Year, a Year-to-Date or simply by any custom dates you need.


Revenue & Reservations analysis

Cancellations Analysis

Booking Window and Timing

Cancellations Trend and Timing

Pace & Pick Up

Forecast & Budgeting

Corporate & Travel Agencies
Statistics & Ageing

Rate Shopper

Operational Financial Performance

A periscope and a time machine, offering Dashboards, Tables, Graphs, Trends, Ad hoc Profit & loss and KPI’s analysis, creating and updating regular performance reports to submit to management, stakeholders, partners and owners. it is a perfect tool for analyzing and finding data patterns, by reference to historical and budgeted figures.


KPI’s Details

Monthly Trends

Yearly Trends

Ad hoc P & L and KPI’s analysis

Multi-Property Comparison